Universally child rights are defined by the United Nations and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). According to the UNCRC Child Rights are minimum entitlements and freedoms that should be afforded to all persons below the age of 18 years regardless of race, colour, gender, language, religion, opinions, origins, wealth, birth status or ability and therefore apply to all people everywhere. In this regard CRCDC conducts the Child Rights awareness programme at school and village level on their basic human rights that should be afforded to children that are categorized in four rights i.e. political, social, cultural and economic rights of every child.


CRCDC organizes various training on women empowerment and gender equality that aims to provide knowledge, techniques and tools to develop skills and changes in attitudes and behaviors. It also facilitates training workshops for young women on a variety of issues, including leadership, economic justice, HIV and AIDS, human rights and peace.


Human trafficking has become a major a national and international concern today where the innocent women and children are being commercialized and their rights, and dignity are violated and put them for torture or cruelty, inhuman or degrading treatment. They are sexually, physically and mentally torched and assaulted. In this context, CRCDC takes an initiative to make the people aware on the consequences of trafficking; it conducts series of programmes, trainings and workshop on the right to a home and family, the right to education and proper employment, the right to health care and everything that makes for a life with dignity. Someway it also help the family rescue their trafficked women or child and rehabilitate them.


CRCDC organizes various seminars for the farmers inviting an experts from agricultural department who helps them and gives the modern techniques of farming and cultivation, marketing possibilities for agricultural products; soil & water conservation. The farmers are also assisted to have Government provisions to improve their farming practice.


CRCDC organizes series of awareness programme about the constitutional rights for the community as enshrined and guaranteed in the Constitution of India. They are taught on fundamental rights of a citizen and fundamental duties.


Human Rights is a broad concept but CRCDC put its endeavor to make the community avail their civil rights, political rights, economic rights, social rights, cultural rights and collective rights. CRCDC helps the community to understand the human rights concept that Human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, regardless of gender, nationality, place of residency, sex, ethnicity, religion, color or and other categorization. Thus, human rights are non-discriminatory, meaning that all human beings are entitled to them and cannot be excluded from them.


CRCDC in its operational areas conduct the awareness programme for the minority community since it works for their upliftment and help them to emerge in the mainstream society. CRCDC puts it efforts to make the community aware on Prime Ministers 15 Points and children’s minority scholarship.


CRCDC conducts various Medical camps, mobile health clinics and free health check up camps in the rural areas. The patients are supported with free medical checkups, diagnosis and medicine as per their requirement. At the same the health and hygiene awareness programmes also conducted to make them sensitize for the good health practice. They are also taught preventive measures, cleanliness, hazards of open defecation and many other things related to health in order to keep them free from diseases. The malnourished children’s are also supported with nutritious food and supplements.